How Secure File Sharing Improves Operations

As businesses have moved from paper files and whiteboards, to online collaboration tools and file sharing, the method that files are shared, stored and accessing has changed. Cloud-based storage solutions and file sharing can help organizations increase productivity by eliminating barriers between team members. However, not all file sharing platforms are secure, and it’s essential to select the right one for your organization.

Your personal information could be at risk if you use unsecure file sharing methods. These methods allow anyone who wants to download or view files to do so without encryption. They can then copy, print or modify the files and share the files with other. These methods expose businesses to cyberattacks as well as thefts and data breaches.

Secure file-sharing programs protect the data while it is being transferred across the network or on a portable device. The encrypted data can only be read by authorized users who have the appropriate key code. Secure file sharing systems can provide different types of encryption, including end-toend or file level encryption, as well as device level. It also offers additional security features like access control and authentication.

File-sharing systems monitor the activities of users to identify suspicious behavior, such as unauthorised access to files. They can then take appropriate action, like stopping access for a specific user or limiting the types of files they may view.

Secure file-sharing services are an essential element of a flexible managed file transfer (MFT) solution. Enterprise-grade secure file-sharing solutions offer the highest level of security and agility with the flexibility required in the speed-of-life of modern business. Request a demo with Cleo to learn more about how secure file sharing solutions can help improve your operations.

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